If the amount you claim for the "Full Reimbursement Selected Medical Package" exceeds the remaining balance of your annual coverage under the Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan for that year, you will not be eligible for full reimbursement.
If you undergo a selected medical package costing HK$90,000, and the remaining annual coverage of your Flexi Plan policy for that year is only HK$50,000, you will receive a maximum reimbursement of HK$50,000. The remaining HK$40,000 will be your out-of-pocket expense.
The annual coverage limits of the Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan (Regular) and Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan (Plus) policies are HK$600,000 and HK$1,000,000 respectively, and they are reset every year.
If the remaining balance of your annual coverage under the Flexi Plan is sufficient to cover the entire cost of the selected medical package, you will be eligible for fully reimbursement.
When using the selected medical packages at the designated hospital, you must agree to and be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the respective hospital. For details, please refer to the respective hospital's website.