Can I change the beneficiary of my policy during the coverage period? What's the procedure?

  • Updated

To change the details of an existing beneficiary, please delete the current beneficiary information and then re-enter the correct details (with image instructions).

Here are the steps:

  1. Click here to log in to the online platform.
  2. Click on "Protection" and view your active policies under "Policies and Plans".
    en-Image 1.png
  3. Select the policy for which you want to change the beneficiary information and click on "Policy Details.".
    en-Image 2.png
  4. Open the "Beneficiary" section and click on the name of the beneficiary whose information you need to change.
    en-Image 3.png
  5. Click on "Remove Beneficiary."
    en-Image 4.png
  6. Finally, click on "Add Beneficiary" and re-enter the correct beneficiary information.
    en-Image 5.png

Changes to beneficiary information will also be reflected in the Last Wish Rider.