How to cancel policy?

  • Updated

To cancel your policy, you may log into Bowtie's online platform at least 30 working days in advance and follow these four steps:

  1. Log in to your Customer Portal
  2. Click “My protection”, then choose “Policies and Plans”beneficiary (en).png
  3. Find the relevant policy which you want to cancel, and click "View"
  4. Click “Amend policy”, choose "Cancel
    cancel policy 1.png cancel policy 2.png

Before canceling your policy, please note the following:
1. If you decided to reapply for after withdrawing from your policy, you may need to undergo underwriting again, depending on the product which may result in different underwriting results, including imposed of loading fee, exclusions or even decline of application. The waiting period will also be recalculated.
2. If you cancel your policy within the 21-day cooling-off period (starting from the policy effective date) and have not received any claims payments or have any claims in progress, you will receive a full refund of all premiums paid and any levy charged.